Monday, September 6, 2010

Idea's for Task One..

I want to write about something that has had a BIG impact on my life, something I think about everyday. When I first turned 16 a very close and good friend of mine died from the results of a car wreck, she wasn't wearing her seat belt which is why she didn't make it. Everyday that I get in my truck the first thing I do is think of her, and put on my seat belt, it only takes 5 seconds.. that 5 seconds could save your life! I am hoping that when people hear this and realize it could happen to anyone, then maybe they will take the time to put on their seat belt.
The only problem I can see  with this idea is that it will be hard to write about, it's hard just thinking about it. I have lost many to wrecks.

Would this be a good topic to write about?
Would it grab the attention of people reading/listening?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Taylor,

    It would certainly grab a reader's attention. For me, personally, any traumatic incident grabs my attention. But I would encourage you to locate your focus.

    1) Your friend's death
    2) How it affects you (negatively and/or positively)

    If you find that it is difficult to write about, it may be because it happened so soon (even though it only happened a few years ago). You might have to allow yourself time to breathe on the subject.

    Ms. Chastain
