Thursday, September 30, 2010

"How The Interview Went"

I still wonder how hard it would have been to succeed in school with all of the difficult times in the 40's and 50's. The interview went well because my grandpa took me out to eat at 54th street! I learned that my grandfather is a very smart man, worked hard when he was younger and now it has paid off. I have not yet figured out how im goin to transition it into a written piece, I will have to get some help on that first. I wonder if Im going to be able to make this into a good writing assignment. I intend to get over this problem by getting help from my teacher or in lab.

1 comment:

  1. HI Taylor,

    Where else you would conduct an interview :) It seems to be your favorite place!

    My advice to transition into the writing process is to simply freewrite. Begin somewhere. Don't worry about following a specific format. Just begin writing. What may be the easiest part is to begin at the conclusion. Write about what you have learned from your subject in regard to his experiences or perspectives on education. Think about how this affects your perspective.

    Ms. C
